An association of Aerographers & Mates,
Meteorologists & Oceanographers

NWSA Hampton Roads Chapter



President             Fay Crossley

Vice President     Frank Muscari
Treasurer             Bob Daigle
Secretary             Fay Crossley
Social Coord.      Dennis Pauly
CMAA                   Frank Muscari 



Chapter News

Source: Aerograph February 2025



1…..Did George really say, “I can not tell a lie, I did it with my hatchet” - - -  NOPE but a Washington Biographers Parson Mason Weems, in the hope of demonstrate George’s honesty. 

2…..”My movements to the chair of government will be accomplished by feelings not unlike those of a culprit who is going to the place of his execution”  (Shame later Presidents didn’t have the same fear/humility/respect. 

3….”Worry is the interest paid to those who barrow trouble”.  George Washington 1732-1799) 

Our HRC gathering was Thursday January 16 from 1PM to 3PM. Unfortunately, we did not have a Quorum, so we did not conduct an official meeting. We did, however, have a great time, telling sea stories and enjoying a great lunch.


The gathering was attended by, Ed Nelson, Dennis and Susan Pauly, Fay and Donna Crossley, and we were so pleased to meet our Guest Polly Garland, Susan’s mother.


We talked about Sea Stories and wanted to remind the membership to provide Susan with one or two paragraph Sea Stories concerning their experiences in the Navy, maybe Susan could write a book.

ENCLOSURES: (copies can be obtained by sending requests to HRC Secretary)

1…..CWO4 Salvato obituary.  

2…..Brief History of Jack attendance to HRC meetings.


An update on information concerning our moved away HRC members, Fay gave updates on Mel Harder and John Chubb, they are coping well.


Our friend Laura Richter, could not join us as Thursday in Bowling day, we have got to remember that.


AKERS, (daughter Sharon)….was unable to attend the meeting but all is well.. She continues to find interesting stuff at her mom and dad’s house which she now resides at.

CLARK, (Kathi)…..I chatted with her via Messenger a few days ago, all was going okay.

CROSSLEY, (Donna and Fay)…..Donna continues to suffer through the progression of Dementia. Fay doing okay, will have pre-cancer cells removed from face in FEB.

DAIGLE, (Bob and Carol)…..Bob is down with the Flu, and Nurse Carol has been called aback to active during to help him, RN Carol retired some years ago.

MUSCARI, (Eve and Frank)…..Frank said would be at gathering “God Willing”, fear God or maybe Frank’s memory prevented them from attending. They both are always so upbeat, they were missed.

NELSON, (Ed and Ruth)…..Ed had a bit of a scare with BP, is doing fine after Med adjustment.  

PAULY, (Dennis and Susan)…..Had a busy couple of months with family and Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years, even suffered through some virus issues during that them

STEINBRUCK, (Capt. Chuck and Louise)…..They were thinking about the possibility of attending the gathering, but fear last minute problems arose.

WRIGHT, (Bob),,,,,,…MY BAD, haven’t checked in with Bob in a while, we hope he is doing well.

Respectfully submitted:


Fay M. Crossley    

HRC Secretary

Source: Aerograph November 2024
Click Image to Enlarge

The FALL HRC meeting, was held at Lucky Oyster, on October 16, 2024.  Food, Service, were outstanding.


Meeting was called to order by President Fay Crossley at 115PM. 

A…..In Attendance:  (13):  Capt. Chuck and Louise Steinbtuvk, Ed Nelson, Frank and Eve Muscari, Dennis and Susan Pauly, Bob and Carol Daigle and Fay and Donna Crossley, Sharon (Akers) Young and special guess Eileen Crivaro (brought to our gathering by the Paulys – a retired USPS employee from Pittsburg, PA. area.   

B…..The Pledge of Allegiance was lead by the CMAA Frank Muscari.

C…..The grace was lead by Capt. Chuck. 

D…..50/50 was won by Frank Muscari $40.

E…..The Secretary’s report was accepted as sent through Email, motion made by Dennis Pauly and Seconded by Frank Muscari.

F…..The Treasurer’s report showed a Checking balance of $1405.48, a Savings balance of $2104.00.  We appreciated the hard efforts of the Treasurer – Bob Daigle.  Motion to accept the report made by Fay Crossley seconded by Dennis Pauly, motion carried.

G…..The President caught the membership up on those not in attendance. 

H…..Susan gave the membership an inside view of her father.  He passed away in September. 


OLD BUSINESS:  There was none. 



1…..Venue WINTER meeting…..JAN 2025, 12-18.

2…..It was suggested by Susan Pauly, each meeting should have time set aside for “official” Sea Stories.  The membership thought this was a good idea.  In order to expand the idea, A topic could be assigned to each meeting, I. E. worst forecast, best forecast, famous person met, Scariest moment.  I will be asking the membership for thoughts on how to proceed and other subjects.  Persons not in attendance could submit a note for the president to read.  Perhaps all inputs could be part of minutes as enclosures.  Sounds like fun.  Thanks Susan.


ENCLOSURES: (copies can be obtained by sending requests to HRC Secretary)

1…..Obituary for Phil Duncan. 

2…..Rough updated Roster, report corrections to the Secretary.    



AKERS, (daughter Sharon) is a welcomed addition to our gathering.  She is still finding interesting “stuff” as she goes through her mom and dads house.      

CLARK, (Kathi)…..Went in Hospital again on 10/8, but was in fair spirits when I talked with her, but then that is Kathi,  Awhile back she fractured hip, which has healed. 

CROSSLEY,  (Donna and fay)…..Fay is coping, but gets overwhelmed at times.  Donna has developed a condition that has made her partially blind, new DR. APT., in NOV. 

DAIGLE, (Bob and Carol)…..Bob is doing well, just eats to much catsup.  He goes to the gym routinely and busy with the food pantry at his church.  Carol had a rough time with the lung operation very painful, but has gotten through it and doing well.

MUSCARI, (Eve and Frank)…..Frank is doing well.  Keeps busy helping others all the time.  Eve has some health issues but looks great and has a fantastic, optimistic outlook on life.  She will be working on the Swedish Bazaar that will be the first part of DED.  More into forthcoming.    

NELSON, (Ed and Ruth)…..Ed doing a lot of divot fixing, and is doing well. 

PAULY, (Dennis and Susan)…..They are busy with family events.  Susan’s father passed away in September.  They travel a lot to check on kids. 

SALVATO, (Jack)…..He is not doing well.  Very depressed and health is going in the wrong direction.  Jack is in serious need of our prayers.  Perhaps a card or two would lift his spirits.

SHAFER, (Steve passed away 3/22/24) and Sylvia) Have been unable to find Sylvia.  I have gone through all the processes I could think of, 

STEINBRUCK,  (Capt. Chuck and Louise)…..both doing “okay”.  They both looked great, haven’t been able to travel to Bedford though, and they miss going there. 

WRIGHT, (Bob),,,,,,…Bob came through the AFIB procedure very well and is feeling better.  Still has some difficulties but seems to be managing well.  He didn’t get much problems with the Helene storm he isn’t far from Western NC, that has been totally devastated. He feels very lucky.


Frank Muscari made a motion to Adjourn the meeting, motion seconded by Dennis Pauly, motion carried.  Meeting adjourned a 245.    



Respectfully submitted:


Fay M. Crossley    

HRC Secretary

Source: Aerograph August 2024



The HRC scheduled a meeting on Monday May 6, to welcome Tom and Celeste Hanagan, to Hampton Roads.  They were on a country wide tour of the Sofa, in their streamline motor home.  Their next stop would be White Plains NY and then on to Maine.  President Fay Crossley proposed the meeting be canceled in order to be able to spend more time with the guests.  Bob Daigle and Dennis Pauly agreed. In attendance were Fay and Donna Crossley, Bob and Carol Daigle and Dennis and Susan Pauly.  Ed Nelson briefly arrived to give some books to Tom, Ed was heading south to take part in a family gathering. Tom gave us a report on the condition of the Midway and the Hornet museum efforts.  The Hanagans are particularly interested in the Hornet that is in Alameda close to their home, while the Midway is in San Diego.  The weather office on the Hornet is obviously perfect as The Hanagans did much of the work, while the Midway is lacking some authentic equipment.  The weather offices are open to the public but not on routine tours as most tour guides are more interested in flight operations.  Tom also assured us he would be more than happy to help us (Dennis), with our (his) continued efforts to develop the Wisconsin Weather office and upper air program.  Tom gave Dennis a large box of balloons to help.  Fay gave Tom a small tub of weather information and equipment.  The lunch was very good and the service good as well.  The allotted two hours went far too fast as there were many Sea Stories to be shared.  We thank the Hanagans for the support and great efforts to hold on to the Naval Weather Service history.
Click Image to Enlarge

The SPRING/SUMMER meeting of HRC, was at our favorite watering hole, Lucky Oyster, great food, great service, and a private room with a round table.  Our fantastic waitress was Anna.  And Frank Muscari did it again, thanks Frank you “shouldn’t”.  

Click Image to Enlarge

Meeting was brought to order 1:20PM by the President.

A…..In Attendance: (9): Ed Nelson, Frank Muscari, AGC ret Laura Richter, (who added new sea stories and fresh ideas to the HRC}, Dennis and Susan Pauly, Bob and Carol Daigle and Fay and Donna Crossley.

B…..The Pledge of Allegiance and the Blessing were led by the CMAA Frank Muscari.

C…..Enclosures were handed out, and the President apologized for not getting the information concerning the passing of our member Steve Shafer. Steve passed away 3/22/24. This, however, emphasizes the need for our families to ensure clubs are informed of their lived one’s passing.

D…..50/50 was won by Ed Nelson - $32.00)


1…..Dennis Pauly gave us an update on the Wisconsin efforts. He delivered a number of books and radiosondes (some provided by the NWSA historian) to the ship. He met with the director Keith Nitka, and was impressed. We want to keep the effort alive and perhaps one day do something with the weather office.

2…..Akers cups were brought in if anyone wanted one, the rest will go to the Navy Thrift Store. Ed Nelson will deliver.

3…..Akers books: 1….Navy History, sold. 2…..Navy Seamanship Knots, donated to USS Hornet through NWSA Historian. The BM on ship loves it! 3…..2 more books to sell. Both little to do with Navy or Weather.

4…..We discussed dissolving HRC again, and it is felt we should talk about it each meeting so it is fresh in our minds. No plan on doing it at this time.

Motion was made by Bob Daigle and Seconded by Dennis Pauly to accept the Secretary Report as sent via email, motion carried.


The Treasurer’s report was given by Bob Daigle, we have a total of $3476.21, ($1372.48 in checking and $2103.73 in savings. Dennis Pauly made a motion to accept the report, motion was seconded by Frank Muscari, motion carried.


1…..Venue FALL meeting…..OCT 6-12. More information will be forth coming.

2…..The Secretary will place HRC info on the NWSA FB page.



ENCLOSURES: (copies can be obtained by sending requests to HRC Secretary)

1…..Akers – Best Dressed Forecaster

2…..Old HRC logo mid-70s to mid-90s

3…..Joan Akers Celebration of Life

4…..All about Eggs 

5…..AG1 (Ret) Steve Shafer obituary. (I would like to apologize for not being more aggressive in checking on Steve and want to thank The Aerograph and Web Page Editors for their help in tracking this down.


AKERS, (daughter Sharon) is a welcomed addition to our gathering, unable to join us, but sends her best.  

CLARK, (Kathi)…..Several calls and emails have gone unanswered. . Kathi was made a life HRC member at the Winter meeting.  

CROSSLEY, (Donna and fay)…..Donna continues to hold her own, there is some memory slippage but all in all she is okay. Fay has lost some weight, but is doing well. Sugar is approaching the A1C low acceptable level. Never can win.

DAIGLE, (Bob and Carol)…..Carol has been going through many hoops and difficulties, had lung operation and after nearly two months is seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Bob is doing well, even learning to cook They head to Florida in August.

MUSCARI, (Eve and Frank)…..Eve has been visiting family in Sweden for much of July and doing well, Frank will be glad when she is home. Frank visited Sister in California, she is older than Frank. They have some good genes.

NELSON, (Ed and Ruth)…...They are doing fine, Ed says his Knees are fantastic.  

PAULY, (Dennis and Susan)…..They are busy all of the time, family travels and events keep them busy, they are both doing pretty well. with are doing well and looking forward to perhaps hosting the NWSA Historian when they visit the East Coast.

SALVATO, (Jack)…..Operation in April went well. Jack is now doing home dialysis and getting it organized and all has been a challenge, called for some help from the dialysis company. He was sorry he missed the meeting and will try again in OCT. .

SHAFER, (Steve passed away 3/22/24) and Sylvia, no information concerning Sylvia at this writing)…Steve obituary was provided to membership, Aerograph Editor will have in next issue. (I wish to thank the Editor of the Aerograph, and the Webmaster for their help)

STEINBRUCK, (Capt. Chuck and Louise)…..both doing “okay”.

WRIGHT, (Bob),,,,,,,Frank Muscari does Email tag with Bob and says Bob is doing fine. Did get an email from Bob, and he is having more good days vs. bad, but the AFIB is still of concern and he will have that “shock” procedure again on 8/20.


Respectfully submitted:

Fay M. Crossley, HRC Secretary

Source: Aerograph May 2024


1…..A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked.” - Bernard Meltzer- - - radio host (call in advise)

2…..“There is no possession more valuable than a good and faithful friend.” - Socrates

3…..“The only way to have a friend is to be one.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

4…..“There is nothing better than a friend, unless it’s a friend with chocolate.” - Linda Grayson - - - - artist

5….."I don't need a friend who changes when I change and who nods when I nod; my shadow does that much better." -Plutarch - - - Greek Philosopher

6….."Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit." -Aristotle


The North has Bloomingdale's, the South has Dollar General. The North has coffee houses, the South has Waffle Houses. The North has dating services, the South has family reunions. The North has switchblade knives; the South has Lee Press-on Nails. The North has double last names; the South has double first names.The North has Indy car races; The South has stock car races. North has Cream of Wheat, the South has grits. The North has green salads, the South has collard greens. The North has lobsters, the South has crawfish. The North has the rust belt; the South has the Bible Belt.


Don't be surprised to find movie rentals and bait in the same store... Do not buy food at this store. Remember, 'Y'all' is singular, 'all y'all' is plural, and 'all y'all's' is plural possessive.                         Get used to hearing 'You ain't from round he re, are ya?' Save all manner of bacon grease. You will be instructed later on how to use it. Don't be worried at not understanding what people are saying. The proper pronunciation you learned in school is no longer proper. Be advised that 'He needed killin.' is a valid defense here. If there is the prediction of the slightest chance of even the smallest accumulation of snow, your presence is required at the local  grocery store for milk and bread.


1…..”Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterward.” —Vernon Law

2….."Life is a succession of lessons that must be lived to be understood."  --Helen Keller

3…..“The journey of 1,000 miles begins with one step.” — Lao Tzu (Chinese philosopher)

4…..“I never won a fight in the ring; I always won in preparation.” — Muhammad Ali

5…..“With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.” — Eleanor Roosevelt


AKERS, (daughter Sharon) is welcomed into the HRC family. 

CLARK, Kathi is doing okay.  She has spent a few days in the hospital with “the virus” but is back with flying colors to her health care facility. 

CROSSLEY, Donna and Fay have been dealing with that “cough” mess that has been going around. 

DAIGLE, Carol continues to “doctor” for her lung situation.  Operation may be scheduled soon.  Bob is doing well, got to love him and his coffee cup. 

MUSCARI, Eve and Frank are doing well. 

NELSON, Ed and wife Ruth are doing well. 

PAULY, Dennis and Susan are doing well and looking forward to perhaps hosting the NWSA Historian when they visit the East Coast.

SALVATO, Jack is having operation 4/25 due to kidney issues. Our thoughts and prayers are with him as he goes through this transition. 

SHAFER, Steve and Sylvia, no news.

STEINBRUCK,  Capt. Chuck and Louise, no news.

WRIGHT, Bob no news.

The Spring HRC meeting has been delayed in anticipation NWSA Historian visit to area.

Respectfully submitted:

Fay M. Crossley   HRC Secretary

Click Image to Enlarge
Submitted by Fay Crossley, HRC Pres./Sec.

Click Image to Enlarge

On March 8, 2023, NWSA long time member, Marge Cruse celebrated her 100th birthday.  Don and Marge were very active members of NWSA, pretty much from its inception.  Through the glory years of the association, Don and Marge worked hard to keep the many friendships going well.  The Potomac Chapter and the many functions it conceived were a joy to be part of.  The picnics at the creek, to reunions in the Capital District.  Don took on the difficult job of Historian and would be proud of how it has matured under leaderships that followed in his footsteps.  Marge was always by his side as Don’s partner.  Pictures are of Marge and her beautiful cake and with her daughter Donna and Son David.  She was thankful for the many cards, calls and flowers that NWSA folks sent her way.  Am sure NWSA wishes Marge continued wellbeing and happiness in the years to come. 

Submitted by Fay Crossley, HRC Pres/Sec.

Click Image to Enlarge


 Awarded Congressional Medal of Honor


   It is such an awesome feeling for me, at each of our Hampton Road Chapter meetings, to have Howard Lee in attendance. He accompanies Doris Stepaniak. You may recall that Doris is a life member of HRC and NWSA.  Howard just makes me feel good about everything.  Even though Howard is a Medal of Honor Recipient, there is much more to the man than this amazing award might command.

   Howard Lee was born on August 1, 1933, in New York City. He graduated from DeWitt Clinton High School in the Bronx, New York in 1951, and from Pace College with a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, on June 19, 1955. While in his senior year at college, he enlisted as a member of the Platoon Leaders Class in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve.  In September 1955, he entered the 14th Officer Candidates' Course, Marine Corps Schools, Quantico, Virginia, and upon completing the course the following December, was commissioned a Marine Corps Reserve second lieutenant. Lieutenant Lee completed The Basic School, Marine Corps Schools, Quantico, in July 1956 and the Marine Corps Supply School, Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, that September.  Upon completion of these courses, he was transferred to the Marine Corps Supply Activity, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for duty as Field Inspection Officer, Field Inspection Section, and later, Officer in Charge, Audit Section. He was promoted to first lieutenant in June 1957, and integrated into the Regular Marine Corps in January 1958.  Detached from the Supply Activity in September 1958, he was ordered to the West Coast, and served briefly as Troop Handler, 1st Replacement Battalion, Staging Regiment, Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton, California, then was assigned duty as a platoon commander with Company F, 2nd Battalion 9th Marines, 3rd Marine Division, serving in this capacity until June 1959.  First Lieutenant Lee next served as the Battalion S-4 Officer with H&S Company, 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines, 3rd Marine Division, Okinawa, (US administration) Japan.  In February 1960, he was assigned duty as Guard Officer at the Marine Barracks, U.S. Naval Propellant Plant, Indian Head, Maryland.  After his promotion to captain on July 1, 1961, he was assigned duties as Platoon Commander and, later, Instructor, The Basic School, Marine Corps Schools in Quantico, where he remained until June 1964.  From July 1964 until February 1966, Capt Lee was stationed at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, serving first as Commanding Officer of Company A, 1st Battalion, then as Battalion S-3 Officer with H&S Company, 1st Battalion, 2nd Marines, 2nd Marine Division. During the latter period, he served aboard the USS La Salle (LPD-3), and in the Dominican Republic.


Vietnam War — 1st tour

   Ordered to the Republic of Vietnam in April 1966, Capt Lee served as Commanding Officer of Company E, 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines, 3rd Marine Division. He received the Bronze Star with Combat "V" for heroic action on June 26, 1966 – June 27, 1966. Then, on 8-9 August, 1966 that he distinguished himself above and beyond the call of duty in the vicinity of Quang Tri, for which he received the Medal of Honor. Wounded in that action, Capt Lee was evacuated to the U.S. Naval Hospital, Bethesda, Maryland. In November 1966, he returned to duty at Headquarters Marine Corps and assigned duty as TO/MOS Coordinator and, later, Assistant FMF Readiness Officer in the Operation Section, G-4 Division. He was promoted to Major (United States) in July 1966.

   On October 25, 1967, Major Lee was presented the Medal of Honor by President Lyndon Johnson in a ceremony at the White House.


Vietnam War — 2nd tour

  Following this assignment, Maj Lee completed the Command and Staff College, Quantico, Virginia, in June 1970, then returned to the Republic of Vietnam for his second tour of duty. For his service as Executive Officer, Provisional Headquarters and Service Company and with the 2nd Combined Action Group, III Marine Amphibious Force, he earned a Gold Star in lieu of a second Bronze Star Medal with Combat "V".  He was promoted in July 1972 to lieutenant colonel and retired in 1975 from the Marine Corps for service as set forth in the following CITATION:

  If you would like to read Howard’s citation please go to……

Click Image to Enlarge

   Though Howard has no past affiliation with Naval Weather, we are proud at HRC, when he graces our tables as a friend and fellow serviceman.  At HRC’s special gathering on 2/10/13 one of the other special guests was so overwhelmed with the thought of being in the same room with “such a hero”, tears sparkled in his eyes.  We thank you Howard for your service and for being such a gracious friend.  We, at HRC, ask NWSA and its members to keep our heroes like Mr. Lee and all our service men and women, in their thoughts and prayers.   

     Submitted by Fay Crossley, HRC Secretary